One Kind Collectable

Vtg Turquoise All-Natural Huge Chunk 93g Huge! AWESOME! ONE OF A KIND TREASURE

Vtg Turquoise All-Natural Huge Chunk 93g Huge! AWESOME! ONE OF A KIND TREASURE
Vtg Turquoise All-Natural Huge Chunk 93g Huge! AWESOME! ONE OF A KIND TREASURE

Vtg Turquoise All-Natural Huge Chunk 93g Huge! AWESOME! ONE OF A KIND TREASURE   Vtg Turquoise All-Natural Huge Chunk 93g Huge! AWESOME! ONE OF A KIND TREASURE
This vintage turquoise chunk is a one-of-a-kind treasure that will make a great addition to your collection. With its natural beauty and unique characteristics, this piece is sure to impress. Made in the United States, this chunk is perfect for lapidary enthusiasts who are looking for a special project. The 95g chunk is perfect for cabbing or cutting, and its vibrant color is sure to catch the eye of anyone who sees it. Whether you're a collector or a lapidary artist, this vintage turquoise chunk is a must-have.
Vtg Turquoise All-Natural Huge Chunk 93g Huge! AWESOME! ONE OF A KIND TREASURE   Vtg Turquoise All-Natural Huge Chunk 93g Huge! AWESOME! ONE OF A KIND TREASURE