One Kind Collectable

One Of A Kind! Colored Chalk Creator James Pillans Hand Written Letter

One Of A Kind! Colored Chalk Creator James Pillans Hand Written Letter

One Of A Kind! Colored Chalk Creator James Pillans Hand Written Letter    One Of A Kind! Colored Chalk Creator James Pillans Hand Written Letter

"Colored Chalk Creator" James Pillans Hand Written Letter. But more correctly was the inventor of coloured. Son of James Pillans, he was born at Sheriff Brae in.

His father was a merchant and then a printer in. He was also an elder in the. And a liberal in politics. Subsequently contributed a biography to the.

He was second in the rector's class, after his close friend. Father wished to apprentice him to a paper-stainer, but Pillans went on to.

Where he graduated with an MA on 30 January 1801. He became a pupil of. And attended the chemistry lectures of. He was a member of the dialectic. Society" founded by "Burgher divinity students in the.

After graduation he acted as tutor, first to. Ayrshire, next in a family in Northumberland, where he. Had the opportunity of speaking French. The death of Adam (13 December 1809), Pillans offered himself as a candidate. For the rectorship of the Edinburgh High School.

Was chosen over Luke Fraser, the internal candidate, despite his Whig politics. Which counted against him with the Tory town council. At the outset he used the. Which he later gave up. Introduced a version of the Bell-Lancaster.

And his class doubled its numbers. Reputation attracted pupils from far and wide. Another Lancasterian at the High. School at this period was.

Developed the teaching of classical Greek, which had been begun by Christison. In Adam's time; and encouraged the study of classical geography. Became known as a classical scholar; other pupils. In 1820 the chair of humanity and. Laws (in effect Latin) at the University of Edinburgh was vacated by the.

Pillans was elected his successor, and occupied the chair for over 53 years. His position as Rector of the High School was filled by. Carried over some of the ideas which he had applied in the High School.

He believed that universities should supply. Elementary teaching in classics, and opposed, with. And others, the institution (May 1855) of. An entrance examination to the junior Greek class, though he was in favour of.

An examination for admission to higher classes. Range of classical authors proposed for study. Laws of the twelve tables.

A prize was awarded for English recitation, ; among those who gained it. Who joined the class when he was quartered with his. Was one of the first to teach the revised. Though in practice he conformed to the usual Scottish way.

One Of A Kind! Colored Chalk Creator James Pillans Hand Written Letter    One Of A Kind! Colored Chalk Creator James Pillans Hand Written Letter